mint leaves benefits?

Many times we get scared even in simple disease, but if we know even a little about home remedies, then it can be easily treated immediately.  Some such wonderful, simple and easy remedies, which you can also get by adopting healthy people.

mint leaves benefits?
mint leaves benefits?

 1. Mix equal quantity of mint, onion juice, lemon juice and give it to the patient.  If vomiting, diarrhea, cholera, drink half cup of mint juice every two hours.

 2. Add mint juice to the intestine.

 3. In the case of indigestion, drinking mint juice mixed with water is beneficial.

 4. Toothache and anorexia, drinking cumin, asafoetida, black pepper, some salt in 3 grams of mint juice and heating it is beneficial.

 5. Delivery of mint juice at the time of delivery makes delivery easy.

 6. Mint juice is also beneficial in increasing eyesight.

 7. Boil ten grams peppermint and twenty grams jaggery in two hundred grams of water and drink it.

 8. Boil mint in water and mix some sugar and drink it like hot tea; Fever is also cured by taking fever.

 9. Soak it in coriander, fennel and cumin seeds and soak it.  Then mix 100 grams of water and filter it.  Drinking mixed with mint extract in it helps in suppressing vomiting.

 10. Grind mint leaves mixed with honey and lick it thrice a day, it provides relief in diarrhea.
mint leaves
 11. In the soles, applying mint juice is beneficial when there is a fire due to heat.

 12. Grind 20-25 leaves of green mint, 10-10 grams of sugar and fennel and 2-3 grains of black pepper and squeeze them in a cotton, clean cloth.  Taking a spoonful of this juice and putting it in a cup of lukewarm water, drinking it stops hiccups.

 13. Grind fresh green mint and apply it on the face for twenty minutes.  Then wash face with cold water.  It removes the heat of the skin.

 14. Grind green mint and add two to three drops of lemon juice and apply it on the face.  Let it be a while.  Later wash the face with cold water.  Acne will disappear with the use of few days and the face will blossom.

 15. Remove the mint juice and pour it on the head.  Leave it on your head for 15-20 minutes.  Later wash the head with water.  By using this experiment two or three times, the lice in the hair will die.

 16. The juice of fresh mint leaves remains cool in the body.

 17. Drinking mint and ginger juice provides relief in fever caused by cold.
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