What is masturbation? And the reason for doing it.

Masturbation is the removal of semen by moving the penis rapidly with your hand.  Masturbation is also called self-masturbation in another language. 
What is masturbation?  And the reason for doing it.
During adolescence, most of the youth start performing the act of masturbation.  Many men start doing this work themselves when they see their friends masturbating.  There are also books promoting masturbation that arouse sex activity.  Masturbation is done by teenagers and young people who are a vagabond, do not think about their life and do not care at all about their studies.

Inferiority complex

 Masturbation creates inferiority complex inside the mind.  After performing this action, the masturbator thinks that he will never commit such a mistake again, but the man is unable to control his mind and is forced to perform the act of masturbation again and thus inferiority  K gets trapped in Shinkaje.  The disease is also known as ANGAT neurosis.


 Inside this disease, you do not feel like reading, do not feel like eating and drinking, do not have the heart to do any work and always feel that failure to do any work will happen, such symptoms start to appear.  Huh.

Confusion related to masturbation-

  •  Doesn't masturbating make a man capable of sexual intercourse?
  •  Does masturbating excessively make a man's semen more diluted?
  •  Is the old man not able to give pleasure to his woman for masturbation for a long time?
  •  Does masturbation cause a man to feel mentally and physically weak?


 Many psychiatrists believe that masturbation for a long time is not harmful.  Many types of diseases are caused inside the body due to masturbation in excess quantity, such as the loss of facial glow, dark pimples under the eyes, the growth of the body stops, pain always remains inside the waist  Symptoms of weakness, feeling like not eating and drinking anything, and feeling uninterested in doing any work, etc. start feeling.  Sometimes, due to masturbation, discomfort, anger, mental excitement and inferiority in the mind start increasing.

Useless illusion

 Many people get the illusion that masturbation in excess amount reduces the size of the penis.  But sex experts say that masturbation does not change the shape of the penis in any way because the penis is made up of tissues.  There is no bone of any kind inside the penis.  Its texture is similar to that of a sponge.  Therefore, the penis hangs in a normal position and is soft.  When there is tension inside the penis, it becomes very hard and due to this it is bent on one side.  Seeing this state of the penis, most people develop the illusion of the penis being crooked in their mind.  At the time of tension inside the penis, it is common for the penis to be bent to one side due to blood filling in the veins of the penis.  Even in a state of stress, a man's penis cannot stand in the right position.

Impossible to stop semen

 On reaching the last time while masturbating, many men close their foreskin by pressing their penis with their hands so that their semen does not come out.  By doing this way, they think that they can enjoy themselves by masturbating and also do not destroy semen inside their body, but doing it in this way is not good in any way, because it damages the body.  The ejaculation of semen after masturbation is a natural activity because when the semen comes out of its place, it will not come back to its place.  If the semen is prevented from coming out after masturbation, the semen goes inside the urine sac and later exits with urine.  Therefore, it is not right to stop semen by giving any kind of pressure on the penis.  Excessive pressure can cause damage to the penis and semen also sometimes closes the urinary tube.

why masturbation is wrong

 Many times, the rubbing of hard things causes injury or swelling on the penis or the skin of the front part of the penis can also be pulled back and cracked.  Therefore, such wrong ways to masturbate should be avoided.

Reasons to masturbation

Effect of Consistency

   The effect of good things on any person is very late, but the effect of bad habits becomes soon.  The mind and emotions of a young man are very fragile inside adolescence.  On the way to school and seeing beautiful and heart-rending girls walking on the roads, the power to have sex starts awakening in them and slowly the sensations start coming inside their body.  Within the school-colleges, he starts talking more about excited books, sex and about him by being in the company of more experienced youth than him.  After this, they start masturbating after falling prey to the wrong habits associated with sex.  Repeated masturbation gives him pleasure for some time.  Masturbation also makes a healthy man feel sick.  Men who become masturbation patients due to being with bad friends should leave those friends on their own.

Effect of family environment

   If the environment of the house is right, then good habits also develop inside the child.  Apart from this, if the members of the house talk dirty, then the children will also fall victim to dirty habits.

Itching of the penis

   Due to not cleaning the penis, a lot of dirty scum accumulates under its front part, due to which it starts to itch very much at that place.  Itching on the penis causes tension inside the penis, which causes a strange pleasure due to the penis being caressed and scratched.  Due to repeated hands on the penis, the penis becomes hard and there is tension inside it.  The young man then masturbates and ejects his semen for a short period of pleasure.  He keeps doing this activity again and again for a short time.  By doing this way, this habit takes the form of masturbation.

Because of watching dirty books and movies

   Teenagers also get into the habit of masturbating by watching dirty books and pornographic pictures inside their teens.  When looking at books and movies like this, when the desire of the young person to have sex inside the body is aroused, then it is not so easy to end it by sexual intercourse.  On the contrary, masturbation is resorted to to eliminate the intense lust inside the body.  Thus, by doing this task it becomes a habit and the young man is forced to do this task again and again.

Some home remedies to get rid of masturbation: -

Through one's own efforts

   A person has to make his daily routine in such a way that he does not get time to sit empty at any time.  He should always keep himself laughing and playing with his friends and his family.  Always reading books of knowledge and religious texts will not distract the mind from dirty subjects and peace will remain in the mind as well.

   One should wake up early in the morning and roam in fresh air.  If there is a grass-grown open garden inside the house or there is a park around the house, then go there and try to walk barefoot in the morning.  By doing this way, your body will be healthy and peace will remain in the mind and strength will also come in the body.
What is masturbation?  And the reason for doing it.
   A person should never eat food with strong chili-spices, should not consume intoxicating substances.  Apart from this, eat only fried things less.

   A person should always eat plain food, if possible, do not eat a day's meal within a week.  Along with having food, use fruit for a few days and if possible, consume fruit juice.

   One should leave the company of bad friends immediately.  Never read pornographic books and never watch movies that promote filthy and sexual excitement.  Keep yourself engaged in good work.  This will not distract your mind.

   Never let constipation form inside the stomach, always keep the stomach clean.  Many types of disease occur due to lack of clean stomach.  If there is any kind of complaint in the stomach, then soon meet a good doctor and solve this problem.

Do women also masturbate?

   Many men think that if women also take interest in masturbating, then the answer is that in today's age women also masturbate.  This is absolutely correct.  When the girl gets around 12 to 13 years of age, then her body parts start developing rapidly, at that time she starts crushing the front part of her vagina and doing this kind of work.  The most delicate part that stimulates them inside the body of the woman is the vagina.  Just as boys get pleasure from masturbating, similarly girls also enjoy doing sex activity by rubbing the front part of their vagina.  Most of the women who are unable to have sex with a man due to some reason, satisfy their sex desires by doing this kind of work.
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