9 home remedies for stomach gas.

The formation of gas in the stomach during the digestive process is a normal process and every healthy person emits about 5-6 times a day.  But when more gas starts to form in the stomach and if it does not come out properly then it starts to reverse the health of the person.  This is called the problem of stomach gas.
9 home remedies for stomach gas.
9 home remedies for stomach gas.

 Causes of increasing gas in the stomach: -

 Gas in the stomach is formed when bacteria ferment the carbohydrate of food.  Carbohydrates are usually found in high fiber foods such as fruits, vegetables, grains, beans and peas.  Therefore, if you consume high-fiber foods, then you may have stomach gas problems.

 Excessive water intake after eating food, not chewing food properly, eating fried and fried oil containing foods, stress or depression, bacterial infections of stomach or intestine, disturbances in digestive system, irregular eating  And having problems with routine and constipation.

 Symptoms of stomach gas:-

 Flatulence, sour belching or bad breath, loss of appetite, strong stomach cramps and a thick layer on the tongue.

 When excessive gas is produced in the stomach, your body cannot get it out properly, due to which there may be stomach ache and acidity problems.

 Fortunately, this problem is very easy to treat and by adopting some simple home remedies you can get rid of this problem easily.

Home remedies :-

 Yellow Mustard: -

 Yellow mustard is the most effective food for gas treatment and is easily available in every household.

 Yellow mustard contains acetic acid which reduces stomach acidity and provides instant relief in stomach gas and pain.  It also helps to keep the digestive system and intestines healthy.

 • Wash one or two teaspoons of regular yellow mustard in hot water.  You will get rest within 5 to 10 minutes.

 Apple vinegar :-

 Apple vinegar is commonly used to treat indigestion or sour belching, but it also helps to cure gas.

 The enzymes present in apple vinegar help in digestion and alkalize your body, relieving you of excessive gas and making the stomach feel comfortable.  Also, apple vinegar can be consumed by women who feed their children.

• Add two teaspoons of raw and unsweetened apple vinegar to a glass of warm water.

• Now let this water cool down to room temperature and then consume it.

• Do this twice a day.

 If apple vinegar is not available then you can also use regular vinegar.

 Ginger :-
Ginger :-

 Ginger is very beneficial in removing the gas problem.

 Ginger has anti-emetic power, which helps to expel gas from our stomach and intestine.  Basically, ginger speeds up the process of emptying the stomach and fixes digestion thereby relaxing the stomach and intestines.

 To cure stomach gas, do one of the following remedies for ginger: -

• Make a mixture by mixing equal amounts of ginger, fennel and cardamom.  Now dissolve one teaspoon quantity of this mixture in one cup of water and add a pinch of asafoetida on top of it.  Use this mixture once or twice a day.

• Add a pinch of asafetida to a cup of ginger juice and consume it daily.

• To prevent excessive production of gas, chew a piece of ginger after eating every day.  You can also include ginger in your food.

• Consuming ginger tea also causes stomach gas control.  Heat one and a half spoons of ginger in one and a half cups of water, now let it boil in a low flame for 10 minutes.  Drink this tea 2 or 3 times a day.  You can also add a little lemon juice and honey to enhance the taste.

 Baking soda and lemon: -

 Baking soda, also known as sodium bicarbonate, acts as an effective antacid and greatly helps to flush out stomach gas.  Mixing lemon and using it increases its effectiveness even more.

• Squeeze half a lemon in a glass of warm water.

• Now add one teaspoon of baking soda to it.

• Now consume it immediately.  By doing this you will get instant relief and the stomach pain will be cured.

 If you do not have lemon available then you can also use only baking soda.

 But do not get used to using baking soda every time there is gas.  This is only a temporary measure and your continued use can have a detrimental effect on your health.

 Note -  Do not consume too much of baking soda, as it affects your health.  Also, people who have avoided sodium in their food or have been advised by the doctor to take sodium, also do not use it.

  Cinnamon :-

 Cinnamon will help calm your stomach and prevent further gas formation.

 Cinnamon increases the secretion of gastric acid and pepsin in the stomach, which reduces gas production.

• Dissolve half a teaspoon of cinnamon in a glass of warm milk and consume it.  You can also add a little honey to it as per taste.

• Or, eat cinnamon tea.  To make tea, boil half a teaspoon of cinnamon in a cup of water.  Then let it cool for 5 minutes and consume.

 Fennel: -

 Aniseed is considered very beneficial in the problem of gas and flatulence.

• It acts as an airing agent and expels gas from the intestines.

• Grind one spoon of fennel seeds into a mortar.  Now put one cup of hot water in it and cover and keep it to cool.  Sieve it after 5 minutes and consume it like tea.  Take it at least once a day.  You can consume it even after a heavy meal, by doing this, there will be no gas in the stomach.

• You can also chew fennel and eat it.

 Or, boil an equal amount of fennel, cinnamon and mint leaves in two cups of water.  Then filter and consume after cooling.

 Asafoetida :-

 Asafoetida has antispasmodic and antiflatulent properties, which help to cure stomach problems such as gas, constipation, acidity etc.

• Add a pinch of asafoetida to a glass of warm water and dissolve it properly.  Take it two or three times a day.

• Or, sprinkle a pinch of asafoetida over a ripe banana.  Do this twice a day.

 Mint :-

Peppermint contains menthol which has antispasmodic properties that help in exhaling penful gas and provide comfort to the stomach.

 Peppermint can be used in many ways to deal with the problem of gas

• Make tea by adding a spoonful of fresh mint leaves to a cup of boiling water.  Now let it cool for 10 minutes and then take honey mixed with it.  Take it 2 or 3 times a day.

• Or, drink two drops of peppermint oil in half a cup of cold water.  Use it twice a day.

• Chew a few leaves of peppermint and eat it for instant relief.

 Buttermilk: -

 Buttermilk contains plenty of probiotic microbes that increase digestion and prevent constipation and gas formation.  It is also beneficial in flatulence and acidity.

 Mixing celery and rock salt in buttermilk and taking it provides much benefit.

• Mix one spoon of celery and rockha in a cup of buttermilk and eat.

• You can also eat dried ginger in buttermilk and add rock.

• Use it once or twice daily.

 Keep in mind: -

• Do not consume excessive foods that cause gas problems.

• Do not consume dairy products too much.

• Instead of overeating at once, eat little in a day.

• Chew food slowly and thoroughly.

• Do not smoke

• Do regular exercise and yoga.  This will make it easier for the gas to exit.  Some yoga asanas such as Pawanmuktasana, Parvatasana and the oblique dog posture are quite beneficial in the problem of gas.

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