If any person has water for success in any work, it is very important for his body to be healthy first because success cannot be achieved until health is good.
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Some useful things for a healthy life ! |
Some useful things for a healthy life:-
Every person should get up from bed in the morning every morning and sit for some time in order to stay healthy and drink at least 1 to 3 glasses of lukewarm water or else cold water. But lukewarm water is good for health. To stay healthy, each person should drink at least 10 to 12 glasses of water per day.
Important Action
• All people should have a bowel movement twice a day to be healthy.
• Breath should be taken long and deep and keep your waist straight while walking or sitting and standing.
• Bathing with cold water should be done at least 2 times a day.
• Remember and meditate on God at least 2 times a day, once before the sun rises and once at night while sleeping.
• All humans must urinate after taking food.
• Health is correct by doing Vajrasana posture for at least 1-2 times a day for 5 to 15 minutes every day.
• For sleeping, a strict or medium level bed should be used and a thin pillow under the head should be put to sleep.
• You should forget all worries while sleeping and sleep deeply and leave the body loose.
• All humans should keep at least 3 hours difference between food and bedtime.
work out
• To keep healthy all people should exercise for half an hour in the morning and walk daily.
• All people should do activities like yoga and exercise and sports, due to which health is always good.
• Should take a walk for at least 20 minutes after a meal, which results in good health.
• Never eat more food than hunger and eat as much as necessary.
• Food should be chewed well and should be eaten slowly and peacefully.
• Food should be taken only 2 times a day.
• Meal should be taken at least between 8-10 AM in the morning time and between 5-7 PM in the evening time. By doing this, health is always right.
• Before using seeds or food grains in food, it should be soaked in water overnight. After this, they should be used in food the next day.
• One part of the food should contain grains and the other part should be vegetables.
• Food should not be eaten of over-cooked and excess raw food.
• Pure fatty oils should be used in food, such as sesame oil etc.
• Food should be consumed more in raw materials like sprouts, fresh and leafy green vegetables, salad, fruit juice, water mixed with lemon and honey, fruits according to the season.
• Buttermilk or curd should be used more than milk.
• To make cooked food, flour should be used including bran, pulses and unpolished rice.
• Fasting should be taken by drinking fruit juice at least 1 time a week.
• To stay healthy, treatment should be done with natural medicine as soon as it falls sick.
Don't use these things much
• Chilli-spices, pulses, ghee, ice cream, cream, salt, sweets, kernels and things cooked in oil should be used very rarely in food.
• Should not carry the task of lifting too much weight.
• Do not exercise too hard.
• Do not wear high heel shoes.
• TV. And movies, etc. should not be seen much.
Avoid consumption of these substances
• Tea, coffee, alcohol, smoking, soft drinks, tobacco, betel leaf, yolk and other contaminants that harm the body should not be consumed because the body's health is only useless by these substances, it is never right. .
• Sugar, refined flour and polished rice should not be used.
• Do not consume contaminated food as it can cause many diseases and the health of the body may decline.
• Do not consume colored food, flavored, synthetic, artificial foods, canned, dried and adulterated things.
• Refined oils should be used sparingly.
• Use of non-natural food and beverages should be minimized.
• Food should not be taken when there is no appetite.
• Do not worry too much and should not be afraid of anyone.
• Hot and cold things should not be used in food.
• Air, water and noise pollution should be avoided.
Harmful cosmetics and textiles, medicated soaps and creams should not be used.
• Water should not be drunk intermittently at meal time.
• Water should be drunk at least after 1 hour of eating.
• Do not eat late at night and heavy and solid food should not be eaten.
• Do not sleep late at night time.
• To keep your eyes healthy, eyes should be washed with Triphala water every morning and evening.
• Gargling should be done with lukewarm water mixed with salt once a day, as a result, health remains good.
• If there is a complaint of constipation, enema should be done continuously for a few days with lukewarm water and the stomach should be cleaned.
• Massage the body at least 1 time a week and take sun-bath, as a result of which the health of the body remains good.
• Massage your feet on the soles of the feet with mustard oil every morning.
• You should try to be happy all the time and talk to all the people.
• Split water on the forehead or eyes 2 times a day and water on the mouth should be done, which results in good health.
Some precautions
• Fruits and vegetables should be washed thoroughly before eating and those who are going to eat peeled fruits should be peeled.
• Any vegetable and fruit should be washed thoroughly before cutting because insecticides and other contaminants are frozen on them.
• TV. And to see mobile etc., sit at a reasonable distance because it can cause bad eyes.
Some things to remember
• Drugs are more dangerous than diseases, therefore drugs should not be used much.
• To stay healthy, enough space, pure air, pure water, sunlight, exercise and physical activity are very important and after this it is necessary to eat proper food.
• Rules related to food, sleep, exercise and relaxation should be followed only then health can be maintained properly.
• For any sick person, water medicine and food are similar to medicine, so they should be used more to cure any disease.
• Fasting is an important part of medicine to cure any disease, through which many types of diseases are cured.
• No person should be in a hurry to do anything.
• To stay healthy, worry-freeness should be abandoned.
• Spicy and greasy vegetables make a person sick, so these things should be used very rarely.
Some important things to maintain good health :-
• The power to cure all types of diseases is present in the body itself. That is why one should not think negatively
• In case of fatigue, sickness, pain, and stress or in a hurry, one should not eat because it has a very bad effect on health.
• Natural medicine should be resorted to to cure any disease, as this treatment is the most safe and permanent.
• Water should be drunk half an hour before meals and at least 1 hour after taking food. Never drink water during meals.
• In the condition of disease, only proper food should be used and never eat such food which will increase the outbreak of the disease.
• Good health depends on a balanced diet and positive attitude towards life, so food should be eaten as much as necessary.
• Drugs, tobacco, alcohol and other toxic substances should not be used because these things have a very bad effect on health.
• To stay healthy, drink 10 to 12 glasses of water daily.
• There should be a difference of at least 3 hours between dinner and sleep, so that health is right.
• Tea, coffee should not be used much because these things have a bad effect on health.
• Disciplined life makes you live longer and happier, so you should adopt disciplined form in your life.
• Change is the rule of the world, so do not tamper with it.
• Yoga is the most easy way to keep body, mind and soul pure. Therefore, yoga should be used well in your life.
Naturopathy and yoga are effective remedies to cure any disease.
• To cure the disease, it is very important to believe in natural medicine. As a result, the disease is cured soon.