Man has liked milk since ancient times. Milk is called the nectar of the earth. Except for vitamin 'C' in milk, there are all nutrients for the body i.e. vitamins. Therefore milk is considered a complete food. Among all the milk, mother's milk is considered superior, second is cow's milk. Cow's milk is best for sick people. Those with gas and slow digestive power should drink boiled milk after adding digestive spices like dry ginger, cardamom. Boiling the milk for a long time reduces its nutrients and the jaggery milk eliminates the burning sensation in urine. And the milk drunk at night is an intelligent, decaying disease.
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Benefits of Milk. |
Milk should be drunk at night to soothe burning sensation after eating. Milk is very beneficial for everyone with high burns, weak body, children, young people and elderly people. Therefore, milk eliminates all diseases. Healthy goat milk is considered more healthy. Goat's milk is digested faster than cow's milk. Hence it is beneficial for young children.
Benefits of milk: -
Baby power boosters: -
If the child is weak or has rickets, it is beneficial to drink almonds mixed with milk.
Power Booster: -
Boil 250 grams of carrot in half kilogram milk and grind it with small amounts of grated milk and consume it quickly. The diarrhea becomes clear and the amount of iron in milk is high.
Fatigue: -
One glass of hot milk should be taken to relieve tiredness.
Beauty of lips: -
Mixing a little saffron in 1 teaspoon of raw milk and massaging it on the lips, removes the blackness of the lips and increases the brightness.
Facial beauty: -
To remove pimples, pimples and blemishes on the face, rub warm milk on the face at night before bed, then wash it with clean water after half an hour, it will enhance the beauty of the face, rubbing milk on the face eliminates spots and spots. Become. To remove pimple, nail, pimples, stains, spots on the face, wash warm face before sleeping, wash face. After half an hour wash face with clean water. This will increase facial beauty. The spots are erased by getting fresh milk froth on the face spots. By rubbing milk on the face at bedtime, spots are erased by rubbing fresh foam on the nail and acne spots and spots.
Itching: -
Mixing water in milk and taking a cotton bath after a while of rubbing on the body, itching disappears.
Eye diseases: -
If the eyes are hurt, burning sensation, chilli-spice has fallen, a worm has fallen or is in pain, soaking cotton wool in milk provides relief. Putting 2 drops of milk in the eyes is also beneficial.
Falling of unwanted things in the eyes:-
If a straw or something falls inside the eyes and it is not coming out, then put 3 drops of milk in the eye. The smoothness of the milk will remove unwanted things from the eye.
Diseases of the bladder: -
Mixing jaggery in milk is beneficial in bladder disease.
Urination irritation: -
If there is burning sensation in the urine by eating more hot things during the summer season, drinking water mixed with raw milk, it is beneficial. Mixing 250 ml milk and 250 ml sugar in water provides relief in burning sensation of urine.
Milk for all types of diseases: -
Any disease, drinking milk at least 15 to 20 times a day is beneficial in all diseases.
Night blindness: -
Drink 250 grams of hot milk mixed with 20 grams of native ghee in the morning daily or eat 25 grams of sugar candy in butter or by adding 4 date dates in 250 ml of milk and boil that milk and drink milk after eating the dates. In this, head pain due to weakness of the mind is cured and there is benefit in the disease of night blindness.
Piles: -
Drink lemon juice in fresh cow's milk. In this way, drinking for 5 to 6 days cures piles.
Insomnia: -
Eating milk or khoya made of milk, sleeping 50 grams at bedtime helps in getting better sleep. Mixing 1 teaspoon of ghee and sugar in 1 glass of milk, drinking at bedtime can help to sleep quickly.
Useful time to drink milk: -
Drinking milk in the morning is very beneficial. Milk is digested by the heat of the sun. Therefore, one should not drink milk at night. Generally, milk should be drunk three hours before bedtime. Drinking more hot milk at night is likely to cause nightmares.
How to drink milk: -
It is good to drink fresh hot milk. If this is not possible, then heat and drink milk. Warm up as hot as can be drunk. The natural properties of milk are eliminated by boiling the milk more.
Sweetness in milk: -
Often sweetened and drunk by mixing sugar in milk. By adding sugar, the calcium in milk is removed. Therefore, it is not appropriate to add sugar to milk. Milk has a natural sweetness. Drinking faded milk gives an idea of its natural sweetness in a short time and there is no need to sweeten it by adding anything outside.
In which diseases should not drink milk: -
We should not drink milk in cough, asthma, diarrhea, dysentery, stomach pain and indigestion. Fresh buttermilk should be drunk in them.
Items used with milk: -
Eating ripe mango, porridge, pomegranate, grapes, date-palm, cardamom, cloves and sugar candy etc. with milk is beneficial.
Items not used with milk: -
Consuming banana, pineapple, berries, radish, coriander, garlic, urad dal, whey, curd, tamarind, raw mango sour etc. along with milk is harmful.