Benefits of eating cardamom daily.

Small cardamom has great properties.  Cardamom is consumed mainly in the form of oral purification or spices.  There are two types of cardamom.  One green or small cardamom and the other big cardamom.

Benefits of eating cardamom daily.
Benefits of eating cardamom daily.

 Large cardamom is used to make dishes delicious and small cardamom is used to give better flavor to sweets.  Not only this, cardamom is a mine of medicinal properties.

 Both cardamom plants are green and grow from five feet to ten feet tall.  Its leaves are up to two feet long.  Cardamom grows from both seed and root.  For this both sea breeze and shady land are necessary.

Benefits of consuming cardamom daily

 1. If there is a sore throat or if a voice has been  not bettered, then wake up in the morning and at bedtime, chew the small cardamom and eat lukewarm water.

 2. If there is swelling in the throat, grind small cardamom in water drinking it.

 3. If you are troubled by cough, make a tea by mixing a small cardamom, a piece of ginger, cloves and a few basil leaves together.


 4. If you are troubled by vomiting, boil large cardamom (5 grams) in half a liter of water.  When the water remains one fourth, then cool it.  And continued to consume this water throughout the day.

 5. If there is a blister in the mouth, mix ground sugar candy with cardamom powder and apply it on the blisters.

 6. Take cardamom to keep the body cool.

 7. If there is deodorant in the mouth, chewing cardamom is beneficial.  For this, put a small cardamom in the mouth and chew it.

 8. If there is a burning sensation in the urine and the urine is dripping with drops, then chew a large cardamom and drink water.  Will get rest.

 9. If fever is coming, drink cardamom, ginger, cloves and basil leaf decoction.  would benefit.

 10. Consumption of cardamom is beneficial even when you feel indigestion.

 11. If there is burning sensation in the chest, drink water by sucking cardamom.  Will get rest.

 12. Cardamom is also very beneficial in liver and gall bladder related problems.

 13. Smelling lightly with cardamom seeds celery in colds provides relief.

 14. If you are feeling nauseous due to sitting in a bus or car and feel dizzy, then put small cardamom in your mouth immediately.  You will get immediate relief.

Keep these things in mind when eating cardamom

 1. It is said that pregnant and lactating women should not consume cardamom.  This affects the milk glands, which makes milk less.  Although no concrete evidence has been found, prevention is still better than treatment.  Therefore, do not consume cardamom.

 2. Consumption of cardamom also increases the chances of gall bladder stones.  Therefore, only the quantity should increase the taste in the dishes.

 3. Consumption of cardamom can cause allergic reactions in some people, including chest and throat wounds, shortness of breath and difficulty in breathing.

 4. Excess intake of cardamom can also cause pain in the gall bladder.

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