What are the home remedies for back pain?

Today people of all ages are troubled by it and the search for its simple and easy treatment is going on all over the world.  This problem is aggravated by sitting and working all day. 

What are the home remedies for back pain?
What are the home remedies for back pain?

 If the back pain starts to move downward and intensifies, see a doctor as soon as possible.  Sometimes the pain is only a few minutes and sometimes it lasts for hours.  People in the age group of 30 to 50 years are more vulnerable to it.  Women and men are the victims of this, who have to keep up, sit, bend or unload their belongings frequently due to their work.

Causes of back pain

 • Incorrect posture

 • long time Reading or working 

 • Sitting in front of the computer 

 • Sudden bowing 

 • lifting weights

 • Waking up incorrectly

 • irregular routines

 • Sluggish lifestyle

 • Reduced physical activity

 • Drop

 • to slide

 • accidental injury

 • long time  driving 

 • With age, bones start to get weaker and this causes the disc to get stressed,

  Congenital deformity or infection in the groin bones or spinal cord,

  • Any congenital defect in the feet or any subsequent disorder.

Symptoms of back pain

  • Experiencing pain even while walking, bending or doing normal work, feeling like a current in the body when bending or coughing.

  • Back pain due to pressure on the nerves, pain in the feet or numbness of the feet, eddy or toes,

  Weakness in the toe or toe,

  Unbearable pain in the lower back

  • Problems with urination and bowel movements when problems increase,

Home remedies for back pain:-

Band knee

 While lifting an object placed below, first bend your knees and then lift it.  Doing this will not put unnecessary pressure on the waist and will cause less discomfort.


 Adequate use of garlic in food.  Garlic is considered a good treatment for back pain.  The chronic back pain is also cured with the use of garlic.


  To make tea, grind 5 black peppercorns, 5 cloves and add some dried ginger powder.  Drink this kind of spice tea twice a day.  Drinking spice tea provides relief in back pain.

Tough Bedding

  Sleeping on a hard bed also provides immense relief in back pain.  By doing this, the waist remains flat and there is equal pressure on the entire waist.  Sleeping on the stomach and inverted mouth is also harmful.


   Mixing 2 grams of cinnamon powder with one teaspoon of honey and taking it twice a day provides relief in pain.

Warm Body

  If the back pain is chronic, keep the body warm and eat hot things.  Doing so provides immense relief in back pain.  If the pain is more during winter, keep in mind that the pain part does not come in contact with air.

Ice Foment

  Using ice in a painful place is also beneficial.  This will also eliminate internal inflammation.  After using ice for a few days, starting hot compress gives favorable results.

Proper Nutrition

  Use tomato, cabbage, beetroot, cucumber, cucumber, spinach, carrots, fruits in plenty in food.

Steam Foment

  Put a towel in the warm salt water and squeeze it.  By lying on the stomach, taking steam in the place of pain with a towel, relieves backache.


  Heat three to four buds of garlic in mustard or coconut oil every morning (till the garlic buds turn black), then cool and massage the affected area.

 Tips for back pain

  • Most back pain patients get relief from rest and physiotherapy.

  • Should have complete rest for two to three weeks if there is a problem of slip disc or back pain.

  • To reduce pain, take pain-relieving medicines, muscle relaxants on the advice of the doctor.

  • Change lifestyle.

  • Keep weight under control.  Weight gain and especially fat increase around the abdomen have a direct effect on the spine.

  • Walk regularly.  This is the best exercise.

  • Do not sit on a stool or chair for long.  Keep your feet straight while sitting in a chair.

  • Do not sit up with a sudden jerk.

  • Do not work by bending the waist.  Always keep your back straight.

  • Wear simple footwear instead of heels.

  • Use caution when climbing stairs.

  • If you want to stand somewhere longer, then change your position.

  • Rotate the body instead of turning the neck more to look right-left or back.

  • If driving for a long time, keep a pillow for neck and back.  Keep the driving seat somewhat forward, so that the back is straight.

  • Do not put a high or thick pillow.  Simple pillows are better to use.

  • Do not sleep on a very soft and hard mattress.  Also avoid sleeping on springy mattresses or loose bed.

  • Do not sleep on your stomach .

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