Home remedies to increase height.

Physical development is a common process in children.  Increasing children's height in general is an important indicator of this development.  Increase in length is genetic, but sometimes due to lack of nutrition or some other reasons, the length of the children is very short.

Home remedies to increase height.
Home remedies to increase height.

Know the correct height

 To know the average length of a child at an age, multiply the age by 6 and add 77 cm.  If the length of a child is less than this or is increasing less than 6 cm in a year, then it is a matter of concern.

 How long does the height grow?

 It has been found that the length of children increases to 20 years.  Length not increases after the onset of menstruation in girls.  After this age, the speed of increasing length decreases drastically.

Due to not increasing height

 Some things have special importance in determining the length of a person, such as genetic, nutritional nutrition, environment, growth hormones.  Some important factors in the case of shortening of length are:

Reason for growth failure in children

 1. Genetic:- The length of children also depends on the length of the mother and father.  In determining a person's height, 60 to 80 percent is contributed by his genes and 20 to 40 percent of our food, especially nutritious things and environment.

 2. Diet and nutrition:- If the length of the children is not increasing even after proper diet and nutrition, the doctor should be contacted.  Doctors compare the growth of children to other children and their parents through the growth chart and also suggest the use of growth hormone if necessary.  Children grow to 20-25 cm in length through growth hormones. 

 3. Heavy weightlifting:- Heavy weightlifting also stops the increase in length at a young age.  Therefore, it should be tried that children do not have to carry heavy items at a young age.

 Everyone wants to get high height but it is not possible that everyone is good length.  With good length, while the body looks good, the person's confidence also increases.  The length of a person depends on genetic factors, but sometimes the length can be reduced due to other reasons also.

Home remedies to increase the height

 1. Ashwagandha - Ashwagandha is helpful in increasing the length.  Ashwagandha has minerals which are helpful in increasing the length.  Take two spoons of Ashwagandha powder with a glass of warm cow's milk.  Sugar or jaggery can be added to milk according to taste.  By taking this remedy before going to sleepevery day for 45 days, the length starts increasing.

 2. Milk -

Milk contains high amount of calcium, vitamin A and protein which helps in increasing the length.

 3. Stretch the body - By doing stretching exercises the body naturally increases the length.  To pull the body, try to touch the toes without bending the knees. 

 4. Yoga - Yoga is also very effective to increase the length.  Doing yoga also reduces stress which is helpful in increasing the length of the body.

 5. Sleep - Full sleep is also very important for the good development of the body.  By sleeping well, the human growth hormone is released in good quantity, which increases the length of the person.

 6. Balanced food - Nutritious food is also helpful in increasing the length of a person.  The body gets plenty of protein, vitamins and minerals, which increases the length of a person.

 Creating the right posture is also very important for better physical development.  Sitting straight and stretching, walking and keeping the shoulders stretched also have a positive effect on length.

Tips for Height Gain:-

 1. Keep a close watch on the physical development of children.  If there is any problem, consult a doctor as soon as possible.

 2. Take nutritious diet: - Natural protein in the diet should be only according to your weight, that is, we must take 1 gram of protein per kilogram of weight.

 3. Some yoga asanas are also beneficial in increasing the length.

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