Blocked nose remedy at home.

Closed nose is a very common problem that almost every human has to face. Nose closure occurs when there is swelling in the nasal cavity or excessive mucus is forming in the nose.

Blocked nose remedy at home.

 This causes difficulty in breathing and in some cases headaches also occur.  Nasal congestion can also occur due to colds and allergies.

 Nasal congestion can also be quite painful.  It is very important to treat it because it can also cause other problems like ear infections and restless sleep.

 There are many such substances available in your kitchen, using which closed nose can be opened.

Home remedies for blocked nose:-

 1. Garlic

 Garlic is the best home remedy to open a closed nose.  The antiviral and antifungal properties present in it fight off nasal respiratory infection.

 Boil three garlic buds in a cup of water.  You can also add one and a half teaspoon turmeric powder.  Drink it daily until a closed nose opens.

 Eating garlic buds is also beneficial.

 2. Apple Cider Vinegar

 Apple cider vinegar opens the nose fairly quickly as it helps to thin the mucus.  Also, being rich in nutrients, it is also beneficial for overall health and immunity.

 Mix two spoons of apple cider vinegar and one teaspoon of honey in one cup of hot water.

 Drink it twice or thrice daily for a few days.

 3. Steam Inhalation

 Steam therapy is also a very popular therapy for opening the closed nose.  It acts as a natural expectorant in clearing congestion.  You can do this two to four times a day.

 Add one teaspoon of ground celery in boiling water and steam it.  (While steaming keep your head at least one hand away from boiling water).

 You can also add a few drops of peppermint essential oil to the steam water.

 Note - Steam is not usually recommended for young children as it is prone to burns.  It is also not suitable for pregnant women.  Those who are going through high blood pressure, weak heart or any central nervous system disease should also not use it.

 4. Eucalyptus oil

 Eucalyptus oil has decongestant and anti-inflammatory properties that help to open a closed nose.

 Put two to three drops of eucalyptus oil in a clean handkerchief and smell its aroma.  Do this three to four times a day.

 You can also add eucalyptus oil to your sleeping pillow.  This will benefit you even at bedtime.

 5. Warm Water

 It is very important to exit the mucus flowing into the nose during a closed nose.  Hot water is very beneficial for this.  This will also keep the nasal passage moist.

 Take out the mucus from the nose four or five times a day and then clean the nose with warm water.

 For this you can also use hot shower.

 Its other option is to put a cloth soaked in warm water on the face for 10-15 minutes.  Do this three to four times a day.

 6. Herbal Tea

 Hot herbal tea dilutes mucus clogging in the nasal passage.  The herbs present in it also flush out toxins of the body.

Herbal Tea

 Drink any herbal tea you like twice a day.  Peppermint tea is the most effective tea in the nose.

 7. Black Pepper

 Black pepper is very beneficial in blocked sinuses and nasal congestion.  This will cause sneezing and mucus to come out.

 Take a little black pepper in your palm and add a few drops of sesame oil.

 Soak your finger in this mixture and apply it in your nose.

 Now take it in through long breath.  This will make you sneeze so do not press them.

 Repeat this as needed.

 8. Tomato Soup

 This soup accelerates the flow of mucus in the nasal passage so it is very beneficial in curing nasal congestion.

 Boil one cup of tomato juice with one spoon of garlic, one spoon of lemon juice and a pinch of salt.  Your Spicy Tomato Soup is ready.

 Now consume this hot soup slowly.

 Take regular consumption of spicy foods like ginger, garlic, and onions etc.

 9. Fenugreek

 Fenugreek has anti-inflammatory properties so it is also very beneficial in curing blocked nose.  It also cleanses mucous membranes.  Also, fenugreek tea provides heat and moisture to the body which dilutes the mucus.

 Mix two spoons of ground fenugreek seeds in a glass of water.

 Now boil it and filter it.

 Drink this mixture only in a warm state.

 Do this process three times a day until a closed nose is healed.

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