What is symptoms and home remedies for anemia?

Hemoglobin deficiency due to deficiency of iron in the blood is called anemia. Iron makes red blood cells in our body. These cells work to make hemoglobin in the body. Therefore iron deficiency leads to deficiency of hemoglobin in the body and deficiency of hemoglobin leads to depletion of oxygen in the body as the hemoglobin carries oxygen from the lungs to the bloodstream.

What is symptoms and home remedies for anemia?
home remedies for anemia

   Anemia is not a disease, but it can definitely be the cause of many diseases. Changes in dietary habits along with lifestyle are coming as the main reason for this problem. The risk of anemia is higher in growing children, lactating women and sick persons.

Main causes of anemia:-

  Kidney Cancer

  Kidneys produce hormones called erythropoietin, which help the bone marrow to produce red-blood cells, people who have kidney cancer do not produce erythropoietin hormones in their bodies, and this causes red-blood cells. The formation of blood cells is also reduced as a result of which the person has anemia.

Changes in the gene of hemoglobin

   This type of anemia is called serial cell anemia. Abnormal hemoglobin causes red blood cells cycle changes. There are many types of cycle cell anemia that have different effects at different levels.


   Thalassemia is genetic anemia, in this type of anemia, hemoglobin begins to be formed more or less than expected.

Vitamin B-12 deficiency

     Vitamin B-12 deficiency in the body is likely to cause pernicious anemia. Pernicious anemia occurs mostly to pure vegetarian people and to those who consume alcohol for a long time.

Anemia due to bleeding

   Excessive secretion during menstruation, discharge from an injury or wound, gastrointestinal ulcer, colon cancer, etc. Slowly frequent bleeding can cause anemia.

If ill for a long time

   Any type of long-term disease can cause anemia.

symptoms in anemia

  • Pale eyes

  • Feeling of weakness and tiredness

  • dizziness

  • Chest pain and chest cramps

  • Yellowing of skin and nails

  • breathlessness

  • headache remain

  • Cold hands and feet

  • Severe or abnormal heartbeat

Home remedies for anemia:-


  Spinach is rich in iron and vitamin B12. In addition, spinach is also a high source of folic acid. In this case, eating spinach can completely close anemia. For the treatment, you should include spinach soup, or spinach vegetable etc. in your daily diet.


  Pomegranate increases hemoglobin very fast in the body. Pomegranate contains high amounts of protein and carbohydrates. It also contains iron and calcium. It keeps blood circulation fine by increasing the amount of hemoglobin in the blood. For the treatment of anemia, eat pomegranate on an empty stomach in the morning and drink pomegranate juice daily.


  Apart from consuming a lot of iron for the body, it is also important that your body absorbs the iron. Tomato plays an important role in this. Eat one to two raw tomatoes daily. Drink one glass of tomato juice daily and use tomatoes in cooking and salad too.


  Dates are also a very good source of iron. Hundred grams of dates have 90 milligrams of iron. Leave two dates in a cup of milk overnight. Chew these dates in the morning on an empty stomach. Drink the remaining milk as well. Soaking dates in hot water for two or three hours and drinking that water is also beneficial.


  Raisins are also a very good home remedy for anemia. Raisins contain high nutrients like iron, protein, fiber, sodium. For treatment, soak 10 to 15 raisins in a cup of water overnight. In the morning, eat these raisins mixed with honey and drink the remaining water.


  Honey is also a high source of iron and vitamin B12. Eating honey daily also reduces the deficiency of anemia in the body. Blood loss can also be accomplished by mixing honey with fruits, adding it to milk or using honey instead of sugar.

Other tips

   • Anemia is mostly cured by taking a nutritious diet, but some types of anemia have to be treated differently. In such a situation, medical consultation is most important.

   • To overcome anemia, the amount of green vegetables (spinach, fenugreek), fruit and salad should be increased first.

   • Dry fruits like dates, almonds and raisins should be used a lot. It contains sufficient amount of iron.

   • Blood increases due to eating fruits like dates, melon, apples, grapes, raisins and pomegranates. Eating pomegranate is very beneficial in anemia.

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