Skin care tips in summer.

Special care has to be taken of the skin in summer. Summer season means strong sun, sweat and dusty soil. In this season, the skin is not only prone to sunburn and tanning, but also viral infections bring many diseases to the skin. Skin rashes are common if you sweat.

Skin care tips in summer.
Skin care tips in summer.

  Red rash and rash also develop along with skin irritation due to heat allergy. Not only this, if the skin safety measures are not taken in the summer, then the skin will get scorched, the face will also become discolored and there may be wrinkles on the face.

  You will be surprised to know that the skin that keeps on glowing throughout the winter, why the glow of that skin gets lost in the heat, why it becomes more oily. This is because in winter, the natural oil of the skin that comes out of the oil gland stops and in the summer, the secretion of oil starts. 70 percent of the freckles on the skin are caused by sunlight and harmful rays of the sun.

Summer skin problems

  • Blackheads means dark spots under the  eyes

  • Pimple

  • Acne

  • Skin allergy

  • Sun burn

  • Wrinkles on face

  • Skin rashes

Top 8 tips for summer skin care

  1. Protect skin from sun rays

   11 am to 4 pm. During this time, the sun's rays are very harmful. At this time, exposure to sunlight can cause sunburn or suntan on the skin. If it is necessary to remove, then apply sunscreen (SPF 30) cream or lotion to the skin.

  2. Keep both body and skin moist

  Excess of sweat in summer makes your skin dehydrated along with the body. As a result, the skin loses its moisture. It is very important to get skin moisture in summer. So drink plenty of water. Drink at least 10 glasses of water throughout the day. Bathing 2 to 3 times a day will be good for moisture. By drinking curd, lemon juice, both body and skin will get moisture.

  3. Use rose water
rose water

  Apply rose water on the skin and face. Rose water is a natural toner. It closes the pores of the skin, reduces the secretion of oil and also keeps the skin cool.

  4. Avoid Cold Drinks

  In summer, we usually drink cold or aerated drinks to quench thirst. Such drinks have high amount of sugar which is harmful for skin health. Instead, we should drink fruit juice, lemonade, coconut water or raw mango juice, etc. It provides moisture to the skin.

  5. Wash face twice a day

  To maintain facial moisture, wash the face at least twice a day with a water-based moisturizer, it will keep the face fresh.

  6. Avoid fried foods and caffeine

  Do not over fast food and heavy food in summer. Eat fruits and salads more this season. This will provide energy and moisture to the body and also keep the skin fresh. Avoid caffeine, such as tea or coffee. It damages the skin.

  7. Focus on body cleanliness

  In summer, there is a risk of infection from sweat and moisture in the internal parts of the body. Always keep these parts clean. This is where most germs thrive. The smell of sweat starts coming from these parts.

  8. Healthy diet and good sleep

  Healthy diet and good sleep are necessary for the health of the body as well as for the health of the skin. To keep the skin glowing, you should also take care of your diet. It would be good to drink as much water and include salad and fruits in the diet.

Other tips

  • Wear cotton loose-fitting clothes, skin moisture will remain due to perspiration

  • Drink juice of all fruits like watermelon, cucumber, pomegranate, which have high water content. The skin will remain moisturized.

  • Sleep with a water-based moisturizer on the face after washing face with rose water at night.

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