Best home remedies for white hair to turn black.

It is common for hair to grow white with increasing age, but premature graying of hair is a type of disease. When a person suffers from this disease, his hair starts becoming white day by day. White hair is a concern and especially for women. If the hair turns prematurely white then the facial beauty of the person does not look good. Therefore, it can be treated with natural medicine when the hair is white.

Best home remedies for white hair to turn black.

Cause of hair white

  1. The hair becomes white due to lack of vitamin 'B', iron content and iodine in unbalanced food and food.

  2. Hair begins to turn white due to mental anxiety.

  3. Due to not cleaning the head properly, the hair of a person also starts turning white.

  4. Many types of diseases like- sinus, chronic constipation, lack of proper circulation of blood, etc. can cause hair to turn white.

  5. Hair can also turn white due to using chemical shampoo, soap, oils.

  6. Hair may turn white due to not getting good or full sleep.

  7. They also turn white due to the lack of proper nutrition.

  8. Excessive anger, anxiety and exertion also make hair white

  9. Hair also turns white due to irregular eating and pollution.

Home remedies for hair whitening

  1. To cure this disease, first of all, the patient should eat balanced food, fruits, salads, unskilled food, green vegetables.

  2. The patient should drink carrot, spinach, gooseberry juice in plenty.

  3. The patient should drink black sesame and soybean milk.

  4. To avoid this disease, one should consume almonds and walnuts in greater quantity.

  5. By using cow's ghee, the hair of a person does not turn white quickly and the problem of white hair also goes away.

  6. Grind gooseberry, Brahmi and Bhringraj together. Then put this mixture in an iron pan to flourish. Make a paste by mashing it in the morning and then apply it in the hair for 15 minutes. In this way, after treatment 2 times in a week, the hair stops turning white and turns natural black.

  7. Mix about 80 ml juice of beet leaves in 150 ml oil of mustard and cook on fire. Then, when the juice of the leaves dries, remove it from the fire. Then cool it and filter and fill it in the bottle. Massaging the scalp daily with this oil stops hair fall and does not become premature white. It also removes many types of hair problems.

  8. Mix equal amount of almond oil and gooseberry juice. Massaging the scalp at night with this oil stops hair turning white.

  9. Grind basil leaves and mix amla powder in it at night and keep it for soaking in water. Filter this water in the morning and wash your head with it. By doing this, white hair turns black in a few days.

  10. Mixing gooseberry powder with lemon juice and applying it to the hair makes the hair black, thick and strong.

  11. To prevent hair from turning white, the patient should first overcome mental pressure and anxiety and then treat it with Naturopathy.

  12. Doing many types of Yogasanas (Sarvangasana, Matsyasana, Shavasana and Yoganidra) daily provides a lot of benefit to the patient and his hair stops turning white.

Domestic oil to prevent hair loss and becoming white

  1. Grind 250 gourd well and then filter it with a fine cloth and take out all its water. After this, mix 250 ml coconut oil and cook on low heat. Slowly pour the gourd water into it until the oil becomes slightly hot and allow it to boil. When all the water burns, then remove it from the fire. Cool this oil and fill it in the bottle.

            Applying this oil on the hair every day strengthens the hair roots. The head gets coolness with the use of this oil. By using this oil daily, the memory of a person intensifies. Massaging the soles of the feet with this oil provides relief from burning sensation in the soles of the feet. In this way, treating the patient with natural medicine cures all the diseases related to the hair of the patient.

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