Home remedy for arthritis!

Pain occurs due to swelling or deposition in the membrane at the place of the knee joint.  This disease mostly occurs at the age of 30 to 50 years.  Women are more affected by this disease.  The patient is unable to move.  The shape of the joints changes, because of swelling in them, there is also difficulty in walking.  As the disease progresses, the appearance of the fingers of the hands also worsens.  A person cannot do any work properly with his hands.  Other bones are also affected.  In arthritis, many parts of the body slowly start getting diseased.  Many times its center remains only one joint of the body for some time or a few years before spreading to other parts of the body.  There are very few patients who have had this disease all of a sudden.

Home remedy for arthritis!
Home remedy for arthritis!

The main reason for getting arthritis:-

Excess of uric acid in the body is considered to be the main cause of this disease.  However, detailed information about other causes of this disease could not be obtained.

Symptoms of arthritis: -

The joints feel stiff while waking up in the morning.  In particular there is pain in the hands and toes, wrists, elbows, shoulders, ankles, knees, waist and neck.  There is swelling in the joints.

Home remedies for arthritis: -

1. In the early stage of arthritis, when you experience swelling in the joints, then resting properly also benefits.

2. If the arthritis patient has developed pneumonia or any other disease, he should be treated first.

3. Apple is very useful for arthritis patient.  The use of apple increases further when uric acid is high in the body.  Consumption of apple reduces uric acid content.  Boiling the apple in the form of jelly and applying it on the painful and inflamed area and rubbing it also benefits the patient.

4. Banana should be given to the arthritis patient for three or four days to eat.  Eight to nine bananas can be given daily to the patient.

5. Cucumber is also beneficial for the patient of arthritis.  Mixing the juice of carrot, beet and celery leaves in cucumber juice reduces the amount of uric acid in the body.  It is very beneficial to use this juice with food etc.

6. The use of garlic also ends joint pain.  It is best to peel a few pieces of garlic and chew them regularly.  In this way, its juice dissolves quickly in the skin and blood, benefiting the organs affected by the disease.

7. The patient of arthritis gets benefit by drinking two spoons of raw potato juice before meals.  It also reduces the amount of uric acid.  Potato peel has also proved very useful for the arthritis patient.  Abundant salts are found in the skin.  Boiling the skin and filtering it and giving it seven to eight times a day benefits the patient.

Things to keep in mind: -

1. Arthritis patients often suffer from constipation.  To remove constipation, do not give any powder or pill and add castor oil to milk and it will be more beneficial.

2. Arthritis patient should not use fried or such substances which cause air outbreak in the body.  Rice consumption is also harmful in this disease.

3. The patient of arthritis should not eat yogurt, pickles, tamarind, vinegar and other sour things.  If very necessary, buttermilk etc. can be taken.  But be careful that the buttermilk is not sour.

4. Arthritis patient can consume sprouted grains.  It will benefit him.

5. Arthritis patient should eat tomato, cucumber, melon etc.

6. Boil some green mint addresses and dry mint in a glass of water.  When this water remains half, give the patient twice a day to drink.  It will be beneficial in arthritis pain.

7. In arthritis and air-related diseases, eating onion or using its juice, the disease is calmed.

8. Mixing the same amount of mustard oil in onion juice and massaging it on the painful place is beneficial.

9. Massaging garlic oil in the area of ​​swelling or pain of the joint is beneficial.  After massage of any kind of oil, it should be saved from the air of that place.

11. The patient of arthritis should not use excessive salt.

12. Arthritis patients can use fenugreek in any form.  Toast fenugreek in ghee and grind it and make a ladoo by adding a little semolina or roasted flour.  Eating with milk in the morning is beneficial for the arthritis patient in winter.  Eating fenugreek sprouts in summer is beneficial.

13. Drinking ginger juice mixed with ghee or honey is beneficial in waist, thigh and other pains.  In place of ginger, boiling ten grams of saunter or 100-125 grams of dry ginger powder mixed with water, drinking honey also gives a lot of relief.

14. It is beneficial to take equal quantity of unbleached and desi boora with three spoons of hot milk in the morning and evening.

15. A patient of arthritis should continue to eat beetroot.

16. If the pain is more, add twice the amount of walnuts to the quantity of dry ginger and four times the quantity of black sesame and grind it in the morning and evening and take 20 grams of hot water in the morning.

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